Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010

The Balkan is already touching many parts of Port Charles and its not all centered around Brenda Barrett- okay it is but not all directly.

Jason is rightly suspicious after Dante comes storming down his stairs from Brenda's room, telling him to keep his guest out of his investigation concerning Sonny. Now since Sonny is the one who saw Dante and Brenda together in her room, you would think he would be suspicious as well but his entire focus was on getting Brenda back so he just took Dante's flimsy excuse for being there and let it and him go. Dante's angry march takes him back home where he rips into Michael for no reason but being the first person in his line of fire. It wasn't until he alluded to Michael murdering Claudia that he realized how cruel he was being to his younger brother. Yet it was too late. Michael ran away and Dante had to make due with Lulu trying to console him though his mind flickered back to a time between him and Brenda.

This secret must be good. They promised that no one is to know and that their paths should never cross. Is that why she went to Europe? What did they do? Why is it terrifying Dante so much that he's ready to yell at anyone? However big their secret is, I wonder if it is worth it. Jason is positive that Brenda knows who the Balkan is and is furious that she won't tell him anything.

Needing to get away, Jason is called away to meet up with Luke who had to beg Carly for a room at her hotel since his beloved wife, Tracy, refuses to take him back with her millions he stole. Carly agrees under the condition that he owes her a HUGE favor. Luke calls Jason to tell him that his visit to Europe might have stirred the attention of a mysterious man who has already beaten Ethan in hopes to get information. Guess how surprised Jason was when it was linked back to The Balkan.

Well, Luke had to tell Ethan why the half of his face was bloodied up- Lucky is in beyond neck deep trouble in Europe posing as Ronan. Luckily for him, he finds out that Brenda is back in Port Charles. Unfortunately for him, The Balkan's men are not satisfied with his need of an assistant and tell him that he has to kill Siobhan now. How is he going to talk his way out of this? I'm just glad that they are not making Lucky roam around Europe looking for Brenda who is practically in his backyard.

Back at the show's namesake, Lisa is already stirring the drama more. Prancing around in her underwear in front of Patrick, she continues to push his buttons with her innocent act. Then after Robin warns him not to let Lisa get to him, Robin slaps Lisa who skillfully hit a sore spot. Dumb Robin. I know its hard, but she should have just walked away. Like any antagonist, they act for reactions. Don't do anything and they flounder. If you react, they win. Plane and simple.

As Dante is letting his past secret with Brenda concerning the Balkan tear him up inside, the mayor is ready to tear up his career. Thanks to his so-called buddy, Ronnie, the mayor doesn't only want Dante off the car bomb case, but he wants him off the force completely. I've just got one question: HOW IS THIS MAN STILL MAYOR OF PORT CHARLES???? Who keeps electing him back into office? Seriously! In the next sweeps month catastrophe, he should be one of the ones killed off. Just a suggestion.

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